Halloween Day Snack
On Friday we had a special spider snack. We learned about spider characteristics and how they are different from insects. The spider's head and cephalothorax were made from crackers and either cream cheese or peanut butter. They each had 8 pretzel legs and many mini chocolate chip eyes.

Rotten Pumpkin
This week our class read Rotten Pumpkin by David M. Schwartz. This was a great story told from 15 different points of view. It tells about the pumpkin life cycle and how animals, mold, insects and other things help decompose a pumpkin. After reading this story we made a list of all the things we learned just by listening.
- Earthworms eat pumpkins and poop out nutrients for the soil
- Fungi is on pumpkins
- Animals feed on pumpkins
- Pumpkin seeds can grow into pumpkins
- Pumpkins rot and leave seeds behind
- Yeast can help bread rise
- People can make medicine (penicillin) from mold (penicillium) which has saved lives
- Some molds keep other molds away/off
Lunchroom Etiquette
This week first graders were reminded about correct behavior during lunch. In 1S we brainstormed a list of behaviors that make eating more enjoyable and encourage us to fuel our bodies for the rest of the day.
- Keep your hands to yourself and your own food.
- EAT!
- Quiet time = Eating time. (First graders have 5-7 minutes at the beginning of lunch to just sit and eat. There are red signs placed at tables to remind students it is not a visiting time yet. We hope this encourages your child to eat more of their lunch first and then once the signs are taken off they continue to eat while they chat and visit with friends.)
- Follow the 3B's.
- Listen when the bell rings. (Mrs. Kilens rings a bell when an announcement needs to be made)
- Sit on your bottom.
- Chew with your mouth closed.
- Clean up after yourself.
- If you wouldn't do it at your dinner table, please don't do it at school.
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