This blog was written in teams. Each team had the choice to write a narrative or informative paper. We hope you enjoy our blog this week!
Leprechauns By: Cole, Sydney, Cassidy, Will & Joey
On St. Patrick's Day we set traps to trap a leprechaun. They were fun to make. That night a leprechaun came.
He trashed our classroom. The leprechaun even wrote on the world wall! He left footprints everywhere (even the door)! He knocked the books off the bookshelf! It spilled our paint (green of course)!
That naughty leprechaun. He should be sorry.
On St. Patrick's Day we set traps to trap a leprechaun. They were fun to make. That night a leprechaun came.
He trashed our classroom. The leprechaun even wrote on the world wall! He left footprints everywhere (even the door)! He knocked the books off the bookshelf! It spilled our paint (green of course)!
That naughty leprechaun. He should be sorry.
Binoculars & Birds By: Paige & Brianna, Malcolm & Cody
On Wednesday Mrs Chapman came into our classroom to teach us about birds.
First, Mrs. Chapman showed us a game. It was a matching game. We had to match a bird picture to its bird name.
Next, she put us into groups. One group learned how to use binoculars. The other group was working on their bird guides. When you use binoculars you first put the strap around your neck. Then you hold them up to your eyes. If there is black on the lens, you need to hold on tighter. If it's blurry, you twist the knob on the top.
Binoculars are good for watching birds. We liked using them. We are going to use them to see what kinds of birds come to our feeders. We hope we see birds.
On Wednesday we also had a mischievous squirrel eating our bird food! We tried to scare it away, but it wouldn't go away. So...Malcolm knocked on the window, but it still kept eating. The squirrel was staring right at Paige. Paige thought that the squirrel was in love with her.
Celebrating Spring By: Nolan
The snow is melting... Birds are coming our way.... WHAT'S HAPPENING!!!?
"Spring is coming."
"Who? I've never heard of him. Let's go find him!"
"Spring is not a person. It's a season."
We know Spring is coming when snow melts, grass grows, weather is warmer, and we can see the buds on trees and plants. More birds come like robins, ducks, and red-winged blackbirds. Daylight is longer. It's light out until 7:00 p.m. Bears come out and other animals like chipmunks and skunks. Flowers like daffodils, tulips and crocus pop out of the ground.
Spring is a fun season because the snow goes away and we can actually run around. Spring sounds a lot better too. Birds chirp, mourning doves coo and if you're an athlete you can mountain bike easier. I hope you get the chance to enjoy the spring.
How to Make a Flower Pencil By: Sophia & Abigail
1. Get white paper.
2. Color the front and back.
3. Make sure that you have no white spaces.
4. Fold the paper.
5. Cut half way up to the fold.
6. Tape the paper to a pencil.
7. If you want to curl the paper, you have to take another pencil and curl it up and hold it for 7 seconds.
Making flower pencils are fun. At the end they look really cool. We hope you have time to make one.
Abby taught us how to make the flower pencils at home as well!