Welcome to 1S

Welcome Families!
Do you like our new blog? Your children helped to create this page! In fact, each week the children will reflect on our activities at school and work together to write the posts. Our class is very excited to share pictures and videos with you.

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Leaf Prints/Nature Journals
Last week our class began making our Nature/Science Journals. We started by going outdoors to find freshly fallen leaves of different shapes and sizes. We brought them in and painted them and printed them on paper. This week we cut out the leaf prints and pasted them on our new Nature Journals. This notebook will be used for conducting experiments and field studies throughout the year!

Cole and Sydney liked our new math books. "We write in them and we learned about numbers to 10."
Sydney liked working on the snowman page. Will enjoys math on Wednesdays when Mrs. Jones, our Math Specialist, does math with our class.

This week we've really focused on subitizing. "Subitizing is an easier way to recognize numbers." explains Malcolm.

We may know subitizing as "instant recognition". It's like rolling the dice and recognizing 6 by the dot pattern instead of counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Here is a great article describing subitizing and why it's important.
Subitizing: What is it?

As we learn to represent and use numbers in different contexts, we will also encounter number relationships. Children are comparing numbers and extending patterns. You may have seen some packets come home with the vocabulary "1 more, 1 less, greater than, and fewer than". These activities encourage us to verbally describe and compare number sets.

We went to visit Mrs. Alibrandi & Mrs. Bohlman in the HMS library last Friday! Cassidy enjoys getting new books out of the library because they're fun to read and look at. Abigail likes looking at the books. Mrs. Alibrandi introduced our class to books without words.